
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Nothing But the Truth by AVI

A Review from

Grade 6-9-- Ninth grader Philip Malloy finds himself unable to participate on the track team because of his failing grade in English. Convinced the teacher, Margaret Narwin, dislikes him, he concocts a scheme to get transferred from her homeroom: instead of standing "at respectful, silent attention" during the national anthem, Philip hums. Throughout the ensuing disciplinary problems at school, his parents take his side, ignore the fact that he is breaking a school rule, and concentrate on issues of patriotism. The conflict between Philip and his school escalates, and he quickly finds the situation out of his control; local community leaders, as well as the national news media, become involved. At this point, the novel surges forward to a heartbreaking, but totally believable, conclusion. Avi carefully sets forth the events in the story, advancing the plot through conversations between students, Philip's parents, school personnel, and community politicians, while Philip's point of view is revealed through his diary entries, and Margaret Narwin's through letters to her sister. Also enriching the narrative are copies of school memos and newspaper articles, transcripts of speeches delivered, and copies of letters received by both Philip and his teacher; each document provides another perspective on the conflict and illuminates the many themes that beg to be discussed--most notably the irony of lives destroyed because of the misuse of power and the failure of people to communicate. Admirably well crafted and thought provoking.

I just finished Reading Nothing but the truth for school. I thought it would be worth blogging about because, it was a great book. Basically I am a big fan of AVI's work. (Since 2nd grade when i fell in love with Poppy!) The topic was Satire, and this along with Animal Farm, and Monster were the choices. If I had a chance to pick I would've picked Monster.
Nothing but the truth takes place in a small school, in a small town. When Phillip fails his test he suddenly blames his teacher and plans to get out of her class. The book never tells you what his plan was exactly, but I think it's rather obvious.
This book was great the characters were weird, the teachers seemed to be only focused on saving the school board and keeping the budget safe. But when the Nation seems to get caught on this scandal Phillip brings to them, the budget is at risk... and the teachers get nervous.
WAS PHILLIP REALLY SUSPENDED FOR TWO DAYS FOR HUMMING? WAS THIS REALLY BEING PATRIOTIC? IS PHILLIP A JERK? (haha, just kidding) WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON, MISS NARWIN OR PHILLIP? you can read the book and tell me in the mean while I am going to tell you that this book is

WORTH READING! (good for a slow day, and for people who are passionate over their countries.)
4 stars