This intriguing, if not quite stand-alone, sequel to Wake (S & S, 2008) follows undercover investigators and high school seniors Janie Hannagan and her partner/boyfriend Cabel as they attempt to unmask and trap a sexual predator teaching at Fieldridge High. Janie is a dream catcher-she has the ability to be sucked into another person's dreams-and her job is to glean clues to the culprit's identity from her classmates and to act as bait. The latter task annoys protective Cabe, and their relationship, already strained by a scarcity of alone time and the need for secrecy (their last case might be jeopardized if they are seen together), is further stressed. Furthermore, Janie receives documents from her now-deceased dream-catcher mentor promising to detail the fate in store for her, and she's not sure she wants to know the truth. While there are few surprises in the main plot arc, the spare but effective narrative holds readers' attention, especially when Janie delves into the chilling truth of her ability. Teens who like the supernatural-tinged drama of shows like Ghost Whisperer and Medium may be tempted by this series.-Christi Esterle, Parker Library, CO
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Fade by Lisa McMann
I agree with Barnes and noble that Fade was NOT a stand-alone sequel to Wake. It took off right from the ending of Wake. The plot and characters changed a lot, this book wasn't that good...
Cabel changed from being a sweetheart with a dark past to an over protective boyfriend. I HATE over-protective boys! They are so annoying! When Captain gives Janie a case where she'll serve as base to a sexual predator (teacher) Cabel is 100% against it! Janie thinks that she can handle one dangerous mission and that she deserves one because of Cabels drug case in Wake. She accuses Cabel of being the only one who gets to have fun. Janie accepts the case which disappoints Cabel.
The case wasn't good, it made me really angry, I didn't like it. I felt like she blew it!! Plus the case ruined a lot of things in the book, it changed all of the characters and the plot was weak.
Janie really discovers herself in this book which made Fade a good book, it wasn't as great as Wake but it was still good. Miss Stubin left some really important stuff for Janie that made me feel really bad for her.
In this book I actually started to hate Cabel I felt that he betrayed Janie, and that he needed to get over himself! It was ridiculous! But in the end, when he got back to the sweetheart Cabel I started to like him again.
This book is
Worth reading
3 stars
Posted by forthosewhocravefashion at 2:10 PM
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