Set in a futuristic fantasy city, this book puts a fun spin on fairy tales: fairies exist, but you may wish they did not. Charlie has a parking fairy, which means any driver Charlie is with can always find a choice spot (which in turn means that every time the brutish star jock at school gets behind a wheel he nabs Charlie). Charlie walks everywhere, hoping to ditch her fairy and the jock-but then she racks up tardiness demerits at her strict sports school. When Fiorenze, whose all-boys-will-like you fairy has captured Charlie's crush, also wants to get rid of her fairy, they team up to steal secret research compiled by Fiorenze's mother, an expert on fairies. It takes Larbalestier (the Magic or Madness trilogy) a long time to reach this point, but from here the pace quickens. The girls switch fairies, creating more trouble and pushing the girls to some serious (and seriously funny) extremes. Suggesting rather than exploiting the fictional possibilities of Charlie's city, which has as many rules as it has fairies, this vividly imagined story will charm readers. Ages 12-up.(Oct.)
This book was another lovely recommendation from the library staff. I really enjoyed reading this book! It only took me only a day and a half to finish it.
The beginning wasn't too special because I would instinctively put the book down, and turn on the t.v only to realize during commercial that I was reading. But don't get me wrong! Because usually I just forget until the next day, there was something about this book, the plot really keep driving me back towards the story!
This book is definitely funny! I laughed so hard at times that my siblings (mostly my younger sister Christel,) would glare at me. Charlie and her hilarious struggle to get rid of her fairy! I was surprised that she would even want to get rid of that fairy, I mean in New York City, WE NEED THAT! well I do! So, she was funny. I liked it when she became friends with fiorenze. She was nicer than I had expected.
Overall I really enjoyed this book.
It is (as you may have suspected)
Worth reading
4.5 stars
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